I Published a Book!
In 2015, I published my own book. If I’m honest, it was more for the personal challenge of actually completely a task like that, and for the learning experience. I can’t say that its particularly earth-shattering, but I had a lot of fun writing it and I definitely learned quite a bit. One day, when I have a little more life experience, I may try my hand at another book. We will see.
The book I wrote is call Narnia in the Hands of Skeptics, which you can find on Amazon. For most of my adult life I have been fascinated by C. S. Lewis, particularly his novels. The Chronicles of Narnia, the series he is most famous for, is a fascinating look into Lewis’ worldview and a window into some of what was happening in Britain at the time. In my research, I found that many people misunderstand what Lewis was trying to accomplish with the Narnia series and are misinformed about him as a person in general. My book is a look at how the series came to be, what we can learn from Lewis’ worldview, and why it matters today.
This isn’t a topic I’m very active in today, but it serves as an interesting bookmark one of the many “side projects” I have done over the years. A few of my other ones are things like going back to college, building a house, and skydiving. This book (nor those other things) is a main focus in my life currently, but they reflect some of my interests outside the main themes of my life as a nonprofit worker and internet content creator.
If you would like a copy of my book Narnia in the Hands of Skeptics you can buy it on Amazon. If you would like a personal copy from me, send me an email and I would be happy to get a signed copy to you.